Soybean Miso (Batch 1)
- Total Time
- 6 months to 3 years, depending on preference
- Makes
- about 1 gallon of miso
- 5 cups dried soybeans
- 360g salt
- 6¼ cups koji rice
My first batch of miso. Relatively traditional: just soybeans, koji, salt, and time.
- Soak soybeans in water overnight.
- Drain soybeans, then bring to a boil in 10 cups of new water. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 3-4 hours, until tender.
- Drain cooked soybeans, reserving cooking liquid. Chill cooking liquid.
- Process soybeans into a paste. Chill the bean paste.
- When the bean paste and cooking liquid are down around 100ºF, remove them from the fridge.
- Set aside about 2 Tbsp of salt, then add the rest of the salt and 5 cups of the reserved cooking liquid to the bean paste, in installments, mixing thoroughly after each addition.
- Add the koji rice in installments, mixing thoroughly after each addition.
- Sprinkle around half of the reserved salt over the bottom of the fermentation crock, then pack the proto-miso on top of it, taking care to avoid air pockets.
- Sprinkle the remaining salt over the top, then apply a parchment paper disk and a weighted lid.
- Wait 6 months to 3 years, depending on the desired level of funk. Siphon off some tamari every few weeks.